So I have some new tunes that I've been working on for Vintage Hero and I'd thought I'd post 'em. The first three would be played during the levels and the other three are various shorter pieces.
Here's a faster one with lotsa minor. I'll probably use this on the first stage.
I like the feel at the start of this one. It might work well in the factory level. It also has a clave breakdown before moving into a cool little section that uses the Lydian scale.
I may change the diminished chord in the intro. I think something like it might fit better before the boss music. Although I do like how the main motive gradually switches to the secondary motive as the secondary motive becomes the primary. Also, some of my favorite drums so far.
This might be used for victory music after beating a boss. I still have yet to write the boss music but I have the basic ideas worked out. That'll be next.
This is a loop that'll probably play after beating a boss during the upgrade screen which shows you the new weapon you've won.
Some game over/continue game music. Although I'm not sure I'm going to include it since I may not even incorporate the "lives" system, at least not on "easy" mode.