So I went ahead and took the plunge and applied Vintage Hero for release through Steam Direct. As a first step, my store page has been approved and marked coming soon. As per their rules it has to be up for at least two weeks before I can release anything. The game is ready to go at this point so I could release as soon as the waiting period is up. I figure in the downtime I can finish a few things that might make the $1.99 purchase more appealing. A request for mapping movement on the keyboard to any key should make the changes (also to the Windows Store version). I'm also thinking achievements would add some replay value to the game. I'd like to do trading cards too but the game has to go through a trial period for a while before Steam offers this. I'd also like to run through the game and capture a 60 fps HD video and add an edited version to the store page because the current trailer is ...lacking in this department. So if all goes well I should be launching in a couple weeks -- almost exactly four years to the day since the XBLIG version! If anything at least, the game will have a place to live on in posterity since the possibility of XBLIG even existing in the future is anybody's guess. Thanks everybody who've bought and enjoyed the game and for all the encouraging words you've sent my way!
Here is a big link to the Steam Store page for Vintage Hero
Here is a big link to the Steam Store page for Vintage Hero